Give Tomorrow a Chance
Solo Exhibition by Chidinma Yemisi Mordi

Step into a world of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith as I present "Give Tomorrow a Chance," it invites you to embark on a personal journey of reflection and inspiration. Through a captivating display of artistry, this exhibition explores the recurring atmosphere of serenity, where the artist finds solace in taking a deep breath and believing in the perfect alignment of time and destiny.

At its core, "Give Tomorrow a Chance" is a celebration of faith and the profound conviction that better days are on the horizon. It shines a spotlight on the indomitable spirit of Nigerians, who remain resilient in the face of life's tumultuous trials. This exhibition beckons you to pause, to slow the relentless pace of modern life, and to contemplate the extraordinary potential that lies within each moment.

As you immerse yourself in this collection, you'll be drawn into the rich tapestry of Nigerian culture and the enduring optimism of its people. "Give Tomorrow a Chance" whispers words of encouragement, reminding us all to carry on with our daily routines, even in the face of seemingly mundane tasks. It urges us to breathe deeply, to savour the present, and to live with unwavering hope. With every stroke of the artist's brush and every vivid expression on the canvas, this exhibition beckons us to believe that tomorrow will bring with it delightful surprises.

Join us in this visual exploration of faith, resilience, and the belief that the best is yet to come. "Give Tomorrow a Chance" promises an immersive experience that will leave you inspired and renewed, ready to face each day with the confidence that extraordinary things await on the horizon.

The Collection





Give • Tomorrow • a • Chance •